Indian Air Force eyeing kamikaze drone based Anti-Swarm Drone Systems 16/01/2025 | Mike Rajkumar

India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) recently issued a Request For Information (RFI) for the procurement of a Kamikaze Drone Based Anti-Swarm Drone Systems (KD-ASDS).

Swarm drones will play a dominant role in the conflicts of the future since they are relatively inexpensive and can be easily manufactured. The MoD stated that it intends to procure approximately 10-20 such systems with associated equipment. The delivery schedule outlined for the KD-ASDS is for the order to be completed within 18 months.

As per the operational requirements, announced in the RFI, the KD-ASDS is planned to be used to defend against swarm drones which may attack Vital Areas/Vital Points (VA/VP) from multiple directions. The Kamikaze drones are to be directed towards the swarm drones, once they are detected.

These kamikaze drones with attached explosives will attack the incoming drones by exploding in their vicinity. The RFI calls for the drones to have a minimum storage life of 10 years and operational life of three years. The RFI also calls for the KD-ASDS to provide a soft-kill solution, based on jamming of RF links between the drone/ground controller and their satellite navigation systems.

The system should be deployable and operated by a crew of not more than two persons (excluding driver). The air force requirement calls for the whole system to be vehicle mounted on two vehicles. The RFI calls for an indigenous 4X4 platform to be used. The system should be able to operate from ground level to 5,000 m AMSL.

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