France announces delivery of MIRAGE 2000-5 to Ukraine 14/06/2024 | Gabriele Molinelli

On 6 June, speaking to the press during the commemoration of the Normandy landings, French President Macron personally announced his intention to transfer an unspecified number of MIRAGE 2000-5s to Ukraine by the end of the year, specifying that a training programme for pilots would start 'the day after'. The Armée de l'Air still has some 26 elderly MIRAGE 2000-5s in service concentrated at the Groupe de Chasse1/2 Cicognes on Air Base 116 in Luxeuil, and the Groupe de Chasse 3/11 Corsica of Air Base 188 in Ambouli, in the African state of Djibouti. The French MIRAGE 2000-5s are intended for air defence duries only as their radar, unlike the one installed on MIRAGE 2000-5s exported abroad, has no operational air-to-ground modes. Until now, the French Air Force had planned to continue operating for a few more years with the 2000-5 in service, until around 2028-2029. Consequently, the MIRAGE 2000-5s do not appear in the order of battle (OOB) the Armée de l'Air planned for 2030 within the recent military planning laws. Last year, the Luxeuil group, was still working as it was expecting a period between 2029 and 2032 in which it would have no assigned aircraft and in which the base would undergo major infrastructure works before the arrival of new and more numerous Dassault RAFALE aircraft as replacements for the MIRAGEs.

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